One Shore

Friday, August 23, 2013

It was a small article in our local paper, hidden among the ads.
Al Sharpton was a guest speaker at the Daytona Friendship Baptist Church.

This small article allowed us an opportunity.
I consider this man to be a 'gladiator' fighting for equal rights for all of us.
I was not disappointed.

Travon Martin was his first priority. I was glad of that. As a Catholic (never experiencing a Baptist Church) I did not know what to expect. I was blown away!

We all know the outcome of this tragic event.  Reverend Sharpton was not there to enflame or blame.

He was there in the capacity of soothing and helping and answering age-old questions.

Thank God for people who put themselves last.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What's up with the folks who deny 'climate change'...?  They are all moving to Arkansas. Yes, Arkansas. Land of rock and caves. Building bunkers. Oh my goodness, their politics were so self centered, now they are trying to save their own bad decisions by hunkering down. If it weren't so tragic, it would be laughable. And so it goes.


This is my first post. It has taken me a few years to arrive.
I had forgotten about the graphic I created for this blog, and was very pleased that it is what it is.

I am a poet. I am outside the social realm of things as they are. I work on my own feelings and particularly on the ones I don't.

Please join me in my journey of awareness.